
Signboards and Digital Signage Solutions for Schools

Digital Signage For School

Schools can use branding just as much as any other institution or company to establish an impressive identity. Signboards for schools can range from a quaint welcome board to information signs, navigation signs, right down to the health and safety guidelines for all.

Using imagery and design elements, educational institutions can use multiple touchpoints to convey a strong message to students, staff, and even visitors about their core values and beliefs. Since schools are increasingly inclined towards creating a more engaging environment for both students as well as staff, they can opt for regular or digital signage for schools in Dubai.

Key points for schools to focus on:

The ground rules for establishing a brand identity remain the same irrespective of the kind of institution that is being focused on. Important elements like school emblem, brand colors, brand language, font size, and colors should be finalized to maintain continuity and uniformity across various communication channels. When it comes to digital signage, the functionality, design as well as aesthetics should be considered and care should be taken to keep it neutral as well as muted. It is important for schools to bear in mind that while the signages should be attractive, they should not be distracting.

What are the various signages which schools can use?

Schools are moving towards adapting open-door-policy. At this point, publishing creatively the policies safeguarding student interests and clearly stating the repercussions of breaking the rules can help create a reassuring environment for all. Here are the various digital signages that schools can use:

Navigational and wayfinding

The welcome board of the school is the first point of contact for anyone visiting the school, hence the chance to make the first impression. Digital Signages providing clear directional messages to navigate the school buildings also help new students or parents feel at home within the school premises.

Informational signages

Graphic signages are one of the best ways to communicate the school regulations and the code of conduct. These signages also serve the purpose of teaching aids which can inculcate interpersonal skills in children. Attractively designed banners can also be used to advertise school events for all.

Safety Signages

These are not only obvious needs of the school but also a legislative requirement. Safety signages can ensure the protection and safety of pupils as well as staff.

Any signage company in Dubai generally conducts a site survey before they decide on a plan for the schools. If you are planning to overhaul the Digital signage at your school, we at Festoon Signs can provide creatively designed Digital signage solutions. For details about our services visit us at https://festoonsigns.com/

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